You can find Bruno Productions at booth #669 during the Brand Licensing Show!
Angel Cat Sugar, a new princess to rule your heart During this year’s Brand Licensing Show, Bruno Productions is present again to show several of its properties. For the third time in a row, Bruno Productions will present Angel Cat Sugar. Since its introduction to the European public at BLE 2007, this license is doing very well. Categories already licensed are apparel, bags and stationery, captured toys, Nintendo DS and PC games, gifts, home textiles, plush, stickers, telephone socks, party goods and more. New licensees who recently signed up are Drave Mad S.L. (shoes, Spain), Fiori Paolo S.p.A. (costumes, Italy), Sabrina In s.r.l. (apparel, Italy), Modecor Italiana SPA (cake decorations, Italy), Procos S.A. (party items, various territories), Favorites S.r.L. (party items, Italy), Diakakis Imports SA (gifts, Greece/Cyprus), John GmbH (balls, camping sets, beach items, pan-European) and La Follie (accessories, Greece/Cyprus).
A new character from the original creator of Hello Kitty, Angel Cat Sugar is the story of Sugar, the Princess of Angel Land, who has the power to heal hurt feelings. Though a bit introverted, Sugar makes many friends thanks to her three mice friends Thyme, Parsley and Basil, and has countless wonderful experiences. |
Calimero, this brave little chicken is back This year, Bruno Productions will introduce Calimero to the European audience. This lovable black chicken is a character that children can relate to best - reasonable, generous, perhaps a bit naïve at times but always loyal. This retro brand, well-known by adults from their childhood, returns to educate and entertain a new generation as it did many years ago.
Calimero is the only black one in a family of yellow chickens. You can recognise him because of the white scratched egg-shell on his head; after he was born he never took it off. He lets himself be carried away by the enthusiasm of others, but his good practical sense helps him to counter his friends’ rashness. He is very patient but at times he also loses his temper, especially when there is a matter of injustice and he manages to show his colours with success. The story behind Calimero is one of friendship, family, community and good feelings. There are no monsters, disasters or enemies to fight and defeat, the only things you must contend with are Piero’s tricks. Dangerous or frightening situations that can happen always turn out to be positive. Sometimes risks are only imaginary, like children’s daydreams that disappear when they wake up. In the eighties and nineties this brave little chicken was a phenomenon amongst children because of the TV series and merchandising.
Although Calimero has just been included into its portfolio, Bruno Productions can already announce that United Labels has stepped into the program for the categories of apparel, living, gifts and plush for GAS-countries and Spain. As for the Benelux, Bruno Productions is also in negotiations for the category apparel. |
Wooly, quite a character Meet Wooly, the little lamb that will warm your hearts and, more importantly, that of children. Wooly has style and is unique in its ageless visual portrayal. Vibrant and pure colours are encapsulated in bold, delineative lines to capture the attention of the young. Can anyone think of a more affectionate, cuddly and warm pet than a lamb? Test yourself to come up with any other animal epitomising the personification of goodness and innocence. Just consider the wool it produces - a commodity generating warmth and comfort worldwide year after year! Such attributes, unsurpassed value and scope are perfect assets to create our cute and lovable character, Wooly! Originally called Wolleke, which means ‘little cloud’ in Dutch, her name was changed to Wooly for an international audience. In books and on DVD, Wooly is presented as a cheerful character who likes to investigate what’s going on around her. She gets into many scrapes, although always manages to make things work out in the end. She has the gift of being attentive with an instinctive aptitude to give help wherever and whenever needed. | |