FitzRoy Media Signs AXIS3 Apps To Develop Games For New Heathcliff And Funny Face Properties

BRANDORA Editorial Staff - September 2009

Axis3 Plans November 2009 Release of New Heathcliff and Funny Face Applications for iPhone

FitzRoy Media has awarded worldwide gaming rights for Heathcliff and Funny Face to San Diego-based Axis3 Apps in an agreement that gives Axis exclusive rights to develop and distribute games and applications for iPhones; it was announced by Fitz Roy Media CEO Hamp Hampton.

As part of the four-year agreement, Axis plans to release the first games this fall with the November 2009 debut of Heathcliff and Funny Face applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Both games will be available for download through iTunes.

“The new deal with Axis will play a key role in Fitz Roy’s strategy to extend these iconic brands to our target audience of children, tweens and young adults, with innovative and fun applications from a company that is known for creating games that are immediately embraced by this all-important demographic,” said Hampton.

“We are very excited to have secured the rights to two classic properties that are poised for success with new generations of adults and children in the 21st century,” said Axis3 Apps President AJ Shaker. “I grew up with both Heathcliff and Funny Face. I am confident these properties will attract strong followings across all platforms given the technology and gaming innovation we have available now.”

Created in 1973 by cartoonist George Gately, today’s Heathcliff comic strip is written and drawn by Peter Gallagher, who took over the comic strip in 1998 after apprenticing with his uncles, George Gately and John Gallagher. Targeting an adult and tween audience, the new Heathcliff will focus on comedy set against a hip, club-music sound.

Funny Face, the new animated television series, presents the wry, high-spirited adventures of Loud Mouth Lime, Jolly Olly Orange, Goofy Grape and their fruit-flavored pals. The series combines memorable characters, slapstick action, smart comic dialogue and the exquisitely designed and executed animation that is a signature of Renegade Animation (Hi Hi Puffy Amiyumi, The Mr. Men Show).