MTV Networks International e-News: New Deal Highlights

Nickelodeon & Viacom - Septebmer 2009


Consumer Products
  • Germany
    Nickelodeon & Viacom Consumer Products (NVCP) in Germany has announced its first multi-property deal with local confectionery company, Valora Trade Germany, to produce branded lollipops with bubblegum sticks in several flavours, based on Nickelodeon hit programming and characters. The lollies will be available across Austria, Germany and Switzerland at all good supermarkets, food retailers, cash & carry outlets, chemists and convenience stores.
  • UK
    NVCP UK and musical merchandise licensee John Hornby Skewes received the Innovation Award at the UK Licensing Awards 2009 for the SpongeBob SquarePants real musical instrument range. The extensive range, which includes acoustic and electric guitars, amplifiers, drums kits, ukuleles and accessories, is aimed at all ages and forms part of a diverse licensing program for the Year of the Sponge celebrations.