Telescreen has inked a number of deals the first days at the MIPCOM market in Cannes

BRANDORA Editorial Staff - October 2009

Telescreen inks tv and home entertainment deals at first days of MIPCOM for kids series Frog & Friends, Miffy, Moomin and Dibo the Giftdragon.

The m4e AG subsidiary Telescreen has already signed a number of television and home entertainment agreements for their kids programmes with partners in Australia, Germany, Sweden, Iceland and Russia.

Telescreen, a leading Dutch production, distribution and brand management company of kids animated series, has inked a great number of deals this MIPC

To begin with, all home entertainment rights of Frog & Friends (26 x 7’) for the Australian territory have been granted to Beyond Magma. Secondly, the German market will soon be served with DVD’s of the Frog series by home entertainment partner Edel Kids, building from the strong tv platform of WDR/KIKA. Furthermore, broadcaster SVT has signed an agreement to renew the television rights of the Miffy & Friends series (78x5’) for the Swedish territory. In Iceland, broadcasting rights of Moomin (78 x 26’) have been granted to RUV. Finally, Norviy Disk has inked a deal for both Dibo the Giftdragon (52 x 11’) as well as Moomin (78 x 26’) to set foot on the ground in Russia by acquiring all home entertainment rights for these series in the territory.