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IAgainst the beautiful background of the Munich Hotel licensors, licensees, retailer and the media came together to make contacts, cultivate relationships and exchange opinions. Exhibitors and professional seminars provide valuable information on latest developments, backgrounds, basics and the future of licensing business in Germany. As always, the event culminated in the presentation of the annual LIMA Germany Awards that acknowledge the industry’s best in seven categories. A dinner party in the evening allowed cultivating relationships in a relaxed lounge atmosphere.
LIMA Germany was especially impressed by the large interest from retail partners: Representatives of Metro, KIK, Müller, Ernstings Family, Spiele Max, Globus and Kaufhof as well as several buying groups attended the show – a good chance to make promising new contacts and expand existing relationships. “Experiences from past shows reveal that most retailers attending the Licensing Market are interested in face-to-face contact and positive communication”, said Heike Winner, managing director, LIMA Germany, who is responsible for the organisation of the annual Licensing Market. “That why we decided to focused on a more informal atmosphere with networking lounges this year. We are thrilled to see how much visitors appreciated our new concept.” Feedback was overwhelmingly positive: “The Licensing Market has become a well- established meeting point for licensing professionals and provides countless opportunities to exchange opinions on business issues. We had many good talks and enjoyed the overall positive atmosphere”, said Hendrik Rinsche, Head of Merchandising & Licensing, SUPER RTL. A viewpoint shared by Gerold Kohlenbrander, Managing Director, CPLG: “The Licensing Market is a perfect business event and the ideal setting for countless positive and promising talks to licensing partners, retailers and promotion agents. The event has been a great success for CPLG Germany. And the day was perfectly topped off by a wonderful evening event of a different kind. Our CPLG Germany Team is already looking forward to Licensing Market 2010.” And Peter Bichler of Warner Bros Consumer Products said: “For us the show was a splendid success. We had positive negotiations and when talking to business partners we heard almost everyone praise this year’s Licensing Market.” LIMA Germany is thrilled by the positive reaction to their dedication and promises to work hard to meet visitors’ high expectations for next year’s industry event. But now for this year’s Licensing Market: The exclusive dinner was followed by the ninth presentation of the annual LIMA Germany Awards that acknowledge outstanding achievements in licensing and merchandising on the Germany market. 2009 Overall Best License of the Year was Hannah Montana; Super RTL/RTL Disney won the Licensor/Agency of the Year Award. The award for the Best Licensed Product went to the SpongeBob SquarePants DHL parcel set and Ed Hardy by Christian Audigier received the title Brand of the Year; last year’s winner Müller Ltd. & Co. KG again became Retail Partner of the Year 2009; and United Labels was acknowledged Licensees of the Year. McDonald´s Children’s Birthday Party featuring TOGGO got the translucent LIMA trophy for being Promotion of the Year. On occasion of the gala, the LIMA also announced the new members of their advisory committee. Marlies Rasl, TLC Germany, and Bastian Mai, Ehapa Verlag Publishing LN will now support Martin Bieri, Media Saturn Gruppe, Peter Boder, United Labels AG, Peter Steinbeck, Creativ Entwicklungs GmbH, Peter Bichler, Warner Bros, Gerd Russwurm, Studio 100 and Fred Göpfhardt, licensing Press. Together they represent the interests of more than 250 affiliated companies to date, including licensors, licensees, manufacturers and service companies. After presentation and official announcements all guest continued celebrating and networking at the glittering Lima-Party. “Also this year the ‘Licensing Market’ was a really successful event. A heterogeneous audience (licensors, licensees, agencies, retailers and many more) allowed seeing the market from different angles and viewpoints. I got lots of new impulses. To me the LIMA Network is a chance and a real asset. You not only find new friends but also identify lifelong synergies for your company”, said Martin Bieri, VP New Business; Media Saturn Gruppe. |