New slates of deals for Sugar & Babe the Japanese new design property!

BRANDORA Editorial Staff - November 2009

Sugar & Babe are two mysterious and sexy cats. Sugar is a white glamorous and sexy cat while the black cat called Babe is mysterious and independent. In fact they are London born sisters who are pursuing a career as rock artists. NDRL handles the rights for Europe and Russia and has already signed licensing deals for products due in 2010: stationary by Ercé and school luggage by School Pack for France, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxemburg and textile and shoes by Leomil Group for Europe. The license is continuing to develop in other European countries as well as internationally. Indeed products will hit Spain and Portugal during the year (fantasy stationary, school and young adult by JM Inacio) as well as Russia (fantasy stationary, school and young adult by Kinderline International) and Brazil (stationary by Foroni and luggage by Dermiwil Industria Plastica Ltda). In Japan, Sugar & Babe already have 13 licensees and over 300 corners. Corners are also scheduled to open in China.