Noddy – Unilever brings sweet surprises Noddy, the kind wood-boy with a jingly cap and its friends live in the magic world of the toy land, in which the toys awake to life and where adventures never end. Constantly Noddy brings himself into difficulties or amusing situa-tions, because times again he misunderstood something, the impudent goblins played a caper or because of its artless enthusiasm for all possible things. Well that his friends are always on his side.
Gorian Consumer Products is pleased to present you with Unilever a new strong partner within the food range for Noddy. Starting from 2010 large like small sweet tooth can enjoy delicious ice cream directly out of the Noddy taxi. Later on they can directly play with the toy car and have fun On further ice variants and thus characters from the marvelous NODDY toy land one may remain strained. Up-to-date Noddy runs in more than 100 countries over the screens and was translated into 40 languages. In Germany Noddy is to be seen on the child tv-transmitter NickJR. With over 200 million books sold Noddy stays the top theme of Enid Blyton world-wide. |