Consumer Products
- Belgien
Nickelodeon & Viacom Consumer Products (NVCP) closed a multi-property Nickelodeon promotion with one of Belgium’s largest supermarket chains, Delhaize. The five-week long promotion ran from the beginning of November with every shopper receiving a free branded marble with every 20 Euros spent in-store. Key properties included Dora the Explorer, Go, Diego, Go!, Avatar: The Legend of Aang and SpongeBob SquarePants and 18m marbles in total were used.
- France
A VIB (Very Important Bob) evening event took place in Paris on Thursday 26 November to officially close the SpongeBob SquarePants exhibition at the PAVILLON DE L’EAU. More than 50K fans have visited the exhibition since it opened in July. Nickelodeon France partnered with French fashion house, Chanel, and world renowned designed, Karl Lagerfeld, to create a unique haute couture squared icon: Bob Lagerfeld SquareCollars. The humorous ‘objet’ was auctioned off with all benefits going to WWF France.
- Germany
NVCP in Germany has signed an agreement with Family media to extend their current deal to produce Avatar: The Legend of Aang branded magazines until 2011. The four special magazines come with add-ons including a DVD with three episodes of the TV animation series will continue to be available from all kiosks, newsagents, supermarket and food shops across Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
- Spain (artwork available)
SpongeBob SquarePants’ ever-increasing brand strength in Spain has seen interactive partner, THQ, announce plans to launch an unexpected and previously unplanned new release to hit shops in time for Christmas. 12000 units of the new title, SpongeBob and Friends: Globs of Doom, will be released on Nintendo DS, Wii and Playstation 2. Programme Sales
- MTV Networks International has inked several brand new programme sales deals for its Comedy Central shows:
- TIMM in Germany has picked up seasons 2+3 of Strangers with Candy along with season 2 of Reno 911. Cult faux news programme, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, will air on Portugal’s Sic from early 2010 and in France, a one-year transmission extension for the show and its Global Edition, has been agreed with Canal Plus.
- Sky Mexico has picked up seasons 1-3 of Shorties Watching Shorties and stand up series, Chappelle’s Show.