Fitz Roy Media Announces Licensing Deal For Heathcliff Video Games With Storm City Entertainment

BRANDORA Editorial Staff - January 2010

Storm City to Create and Distribute New Heathcliff Video Games
Across All Gaming Platforms Worldwide

Fitz Roy Media has signed an agreement with Storm City Entertainment to develop an extensive line of video games starring the world’s best known street-smart cat, Heathcliff; it was announced by Fitz Roy Media CEO Hamp Hampton.

The licensing deal grants Storm City worldwide rights to create and distribute Heathcliff-themed video games across all gaming platforms over the next seven years. The first release is scheduled to debut at retail in fall 2011.

Brokered by Jonathan Breiter and Jennifer Zivic at Public Group, exclusive U.S. licensing agent for Fitz Roy Media, the agreement is part of Fitz Roy’s strategy to extend the Heathcliff brand to new generations of children, tweens and young adults with new entertainment projects and merchandising.

“Heathcliff’s pugnacious personality and penchant for mischief provide a wealth of fodder for entertaining quests that make video games engaging and entertaining,” said Hampton. “With a record of success that includes the ground breaking, best-selling System Flaw, Storm City is perfectly suited to translate Heathcliff’s intrinsic qualities into immersive and fun gaming experiences that are certain to be embraced by this feline’s ever widening base of loyal fans.”

"We're thrilled to be involved with this project, and look forward to bringing Heathcliff to life in a series of all-ages games that will entertain and amuse," said Susan Kain-Jurgensen, CEO of Storm City Entertainment. "In an adventure-driven world of sass and attitude, Heathcliff is a role model, and the gaming possibilities that can be created for him are endless."