Little wonder, therefore, that the model developers in Fürth are building on their success for the 2010 Toy Fair and are launching two new models. These are the VW Beetle “Polizei” and the Mercedes-Benz Unimog 401 “Winterdienst”, with the tried-andtested high-quality 2.4 GHz radio technology with hidden antenna in the model and in the remote control unit. Like the miniature models introduced last year, the two new releases can be easily steered in any direction using digital proportional control. In addition to functioning front and rear lights and indicators, this unique remote control experience is rounded off with original engine sound and horn. The 2010 new releases also have fascinating features with an authentic, functioning blue emergency light (“Polizei”) and all-around light (Mercedes-Benz Unimog 401 “Winterdienst”). All the features can be controlled separately using the remote control and several vehicles can be driven at the same time. All die-cast remote-control models by SCHUCO are supplied complete with remote control unit, recharger and battery.
The fine details on the models will attract new admirers, discerning collectors of high-quality miniatures and enthusiastic RC fans. And the SCHUCOTRONIC 2.4 models are sure to be put through their paces on the desks of top managers, too. |