Fitz Roy Media To Represent Rights To Fido Dido Intellectual Property Worldwide

BRANDORA Editorial Staff - February 2010

New Agreement Sparks Development of Short Form Animated Series for Distribution to Broadcast and Emerging Video Platforms

Fitz Roy Media (FRM) has signed an agreement with Honest Entertainment to handle all rights to the Fido Dido intellectual property worldwide; it was announced by Fitz Roy Media CEO Hamp Hampton.

Effective immediately, the seven-year deal directs FRM to take over managing, marketing and distributing all rights to the pervasive Fido Dido, who gained pop culture prominence in the 1980s as the new “Icon of Cool.”

As a result of the agreement, FRM, together with Glendale, California-based Renegade Animation and Graphiti India Limited, will begin development and production on a new series of short form animated episodes for distribution across a variety of multi-media platforms such as wireless networks, Internet portals, broadcast channels and iTunes. The first season of 50 x 1 min. episodes is slated for delivery in September 2010.

“Having worked alongside Joanna at Honest Entertainment on the marketing of Fido Dido, I know the brand well. It is indeed a rare opportunity to renew my involvement with this global icon. Joanna and I look forward to the upcoming International Licensing show in Las Vegas where we will unveil our unique, strategic plan to bring back Fido Dido to a new generation of teenagers and tweens,” said Hampton.

“For me, reuniting with Hamp on Fido Dido has an almost fairy tale like essence. We learned a great deal from each other in the past and it fills me with gratitude – and a bit of wonder – that we’re now positioned to realize the grand vision Hamp formulated for Fido so long ago,” said Joanna Ferrone, who co-created the character together with Sue Rose.