Save the Date! 9th November 2010 - Licensing Market Munich

LIMA Germany - March 2010

Germany’s Marketplace of Licenses will take place at the Hotel “Bayerischer Hof” in Munich on 9 November 2010

By request of retail partners and affiliated buying groups LIMA Germany rescheduled this year’s Licensing Market to avoid interference with buying trips to Asia. 2010 Germany’s Marketplace of Licenses will take place on 9 November.

The annual show is a business event for licensors and licensing agencies, manufacturers and retail partners as well as advertisers and promoters and everyone involved in licensing.

The Licensing Market has established itself as a perfect combination of information, networking and presentation and appeals to professionals from all areas of licensing.

All well-known and leading market players, licensors and agencies will be on the floor as well as selected licensees who introduce their latest products and concepts.

The absolute highlight will be the LIMA Award Cocktail & Dinner Party in the evening. The party will reach its peak with the acknowledgement of the industry’s best and the presentation of the coveted 2010 LIMA Germany Awards in seven categories. Affiliated LIMA members cast their votes and decide who is awarded for outstanding achievements and dedication in the licensing and merchandising industry in Germany. The Large Ballroom at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof provides the perfect background for celebrating, socializing and cultivating relationships.