NORIS-SPIELE create a totally new world with their educational Oscar & Sinchen series for 3- to 6-year-olds. The Oskar & Sinchen edition is especially designed for the needs of young hands. With seven exciting variants young children learn and experience always new games.
The new busy sceneries are wonderful pictures of one-thousand-and-one persons, countless buildings and just as many vehicles. “Das Große Wimmelwelt-Spiel” (The Great Busy Sceneries Game) qualifies for groups of 2 to 4 children and promotes concentration as well as close observation. Each player chooses their own two-sided busy scenery tableau (370mm x 270mm).
Now all 32 picture tiles are placed upside down on the table. All players choose a tile and compare it to their own busy scenery. The first to find a matching picture is allowed to keep their tile. The player with most tiles wins the game.
„Das Wimmelwelt-Spiel“ is the smaller variant for all fans of busy sceneries that do not have enough time to play “Große Wimmelwelt-Spiel”. Book of rules and included materials are identical with those of the larger game. Only the tableaus are smaller (310mm x 210mm) and the game is fit for only 2 to 3 players. |
The ingenious memory game “Das bunte Blumenspiel” (The Colourful Flowers Game) is designed for 2 to 4 children and played in two phases. The first phase prepares the game creating a flower path with colourful tiles. Afterwards mental work begins. A colour dice decides on the colour of the flower and thus indicates which part of the colourful path has to be memorized. After a short period of time, the player closes their eyes and recounts the colour sequence. Aim of the game is to lead little bees quickly through the colourful garden and into their beehive. For all those who want to know more, the game comes with an introductory reader on most common and most beautiful garden flowers.
„Das tolle Pfadfinderspiel“ (The Great Boy Scout Game) challenges adventuresome scouts and their power of observation. 2 to 4 players try to orientate themselves and memorize as many details as possible. Together they join tale-telling tiles to form an adventurous path. Memorizing the tiles and recounting the sequence trains young players’ brains. The game includes an easy-to-understand road safety booklet explaining traffic signs.
The “Riesen-Puzzle” (Giant Puzzle) provides great fun thanks to the wild “zoo” theme. With its large puzzle pieces the puzzle game is perfectly fit for young hands. Best spread the pieces on the floor to assemble the large puzzle (85cm x 68cm).
Oskar & Sinchen provide a XXL game of pairs named “Riesen-Memo” (Giant Pairs). Young hands will especially enjoy the large tiles (100mm x 100mm). |
The 28 extra large domino tiles (170mm x 85mm) of the “Riesen-Domino” (Giant Domino) make matching funny pictures easy, particularly for young hands.. |