Dragon Ball Z and Saint Seiya available in France on Orange and SFR’s VOD platforms

BRANDORA Editorial Staff - May 2010

Toei Animation Europe S.A.S. launches its successful series Dragon Ball Z and Saint Seiya on French Internet Providers Orange and SFR’s VOD platforms.

Both series are proposed in French uncensored and re-mastered versions.

Dragon Ball Z and Saint Seiya are available on Orange‘s PC and IPTV VOD service, 24/24 Video.

The two series are also distributed through Club Video, SFR’s IPTV VOD service.

According to Kanji Kazahaya, Managing Director of Toei Animation Europe: “We are thrilled to conclude these deals with two of the most important French Internet providers. Toei Animation series are now available on the VOD platforms of the main Internet providers in France. This is a new way for the fans of Dragon Ball Z and Saint Seiya to have access to these most successful series.”