Huch & friends: Undercover in Europe

HUCH & friends - June 2010

Travel and holiday game


Itchy feet? "Undercover in Europe" makes holiday side trips real child's play. For the new communication game from HUCH! & friends one player disappears into a European country. The other players search for clues – and learn interesting details on countries, people and fellow travellers on their way.

Is the Euro the country’s national currency? Do you know a famous landmark or building in this country? And is anyone able to name the country’s capital city? The players ask these and more questions to find the wanted person. Question after question they tighten their net.

Whoever is sure to have guessed the right country place their piece on the board’s map. In the end it’s not necessarily the best globetrotter who wins the game, but the one, who is able to make clever deductions and rate their fellow players’ knowledge. Thanks to its pocket size format Undercover in Europe perfectly fits into your hand luggage and entertains up to six people.