Vertigo & Novel Bring Horrid Henry To The Big Screen In Live Action 3D

BRANDORA Editorial Staff - June 2010

Bafta Nominated Nick Moore signed as director

Vertigo Films and Novel Entertainment are proud to announce the production of a 3D live-action movie based on Novel’s hugely successful children’s property Horrid Henry. Vertigo, producers of Europe’s first 3D feature film and box office smash Street Dance 3D, will produce the live action feature with the same 3D team Paradise FX Europe. The film will be a co-production between Vertigo Films and Novel Entertainment.

Nick Moore, the highly respected British director and editor, has been signed as the film’s director.
Casting has already begun, with filming scheduled to take place during October and November this year. The film, to be shot entirely on location in the UK, is slated for release in the UK in 2011.

Horrid Henry, created by author Francesca Simon, is the most successful children’s literary character in the UK after Harry Potter with book sales of more than 16 million. Novel’s animated TV show is the most successful series ever for CITV and it has also been adapted for stage, radio, online and computer games as well as being at the heart of a successful licensing and merchandising programme.

The live-action adventure will be the first ever British kid’s movie to be filmed in 3D. The film stars Horrid Henry, Lord High Majesty of the Purple Hand Gang, as he wages his ever constant battle against the tyranny of adults. Only this time it seems the adults really are out to get him, forcing him into an unlikely alliance with his irritating little brother Perfect Peter and the infuriating girl next door, Moody Margaret. The production team are currently seeking new and up and coming young British talent to cast in the lead roles of Henry, Peter, Ralph and Margaret, along with a number of supporting roles.

Lucinda Whiteley, co-producer for Novel Entertainment and screenplay writer for the movie, says: “We’re delighted to be bringing Henry to life, in the truest sense of the word – for so many kids Henry already exists, but seeing him up on the big screen gives them the chance to meet their hero face to face. It’s a testament to the popularity and strength of the character that he can succeed so well in so many different forms, and we’re especially pleased to be working with such a strong production team, especially Nick Moore whose work we have long admired.”

Nick Moore’s directorial debut came on the teenage film Wild Child (2008) and he has just finished working on the new Harrison Ford movie Morning Glory, to be released later this year. Nick received a Bafta nomination for Best Editing on The Full Monty, and has since edited a number of iconic British films including About A Boy, Notting Hill, Love Actually and Nanny McPhee. He says, “Bringing Henry to the big screen, and in 3D, is truly a fantastic opportunity. We are all very excited at the prospect of creating something wonderful that will delight Henry's existing fans as well as introducing him and his world to a whole new audience."

Producers for Vertigo, Allan Niblo and Rupert Preston state: “We are tremendously excited to be bringing one of the most loved kids’ characters to 3D life on the big screens for a worldwide audience.”

Vertigo Films will also distribute in the UK with Protagonist Pictures taking international sales.