Sheer action at United Labels - World Wrestling does not only promise packed halls
Bodies of steel, acrobatic acts, fights full of suspense and a frenetically cheering crowd that breaks record numbers: 80.000 fans at the Ford Field in Detroit, 75.000 fans are streaming into the Citrus Bowl of Orlando and more than 93.000 spectators are gathered in the Pontiac Dome in Detroit, an absolute world record of visitors. We are talking about the “World Wrestling Entertainment” (WWE), that holds numerous audience records and with a mixture of action and entertainment, it has been thrilling millions of people from more than 145 countries for decades. “WWE”’s home is not only in the biggest sports halls or rings, but also now at United Labels. The textile and licensing specialist now owns the rights of “WWE” and is the only supplier in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for a wide product category: Textiles (underwear, day- and nightwear, sportswear and much more), gift articles (ceramics, glasses, watches, bags and more), stationary and school supplies (erasers, rulers, diaries, pencils and more) are now coming into your home thanks to United Labels. World Wrestling and United Labels – sheer action. |
TRON – now new at United Labels
“TRON” is a 3D High-Tech adventure film and portrays a digital world, never before seen in cinemas. It’s about the lost Kevin Flynn, alias Jeff Bridges, the hero from the first “TRON” movie from 1982. Since 25 years, he’s been captured in the cyber world called “TRON”, a place controlled by fights and merciless programs. Kevin’s son Sam, alias Garrett Hedlund, a 27-year-old geek, dares to enter the digital world and starts a dangerous hunt for his father. An adventurous journey begins, during which Sam has to eventually face a fight with Clu. What seems futuristic has now become reality – brand-new in the licence portfolio of United Labels. |
A popular sponge – not only in the pacific
“Spongebob Squarepants” is one of the most popular cartoon characters worldwide. The target group includes children aged 4-10, as well as adults, due to his exceptional and partly bizarre humour. The average age of viewers is clearly above the target group’s average age: It has been rising since 2007 and has now reached the age of 22. Inventor Stephen Hillenburg’s profession is, next to cartoon animator, also marine biologist. He emphasizes the fact that “SpongeBob” is a natural sea sponge and not a kitchen sponge that lives in the Pacific Ocean at the border of the Bikini Atoll, in “Bikini Bottom”. The series runs daily on NICK and specials all about the yellow sponge are being broadcasted regularly. NICK has arranged special campaigns throughout the last year for the 10-year anniversary. There will be many events in 2010 as well, such as the “SpongeBob”-Summer tour with great stage shows in eight cities, the “Think Happy Day” in November and different special programmes. SpongeBob Squarepants is not only at home on TV and on stage, but also at United Labels – on a lot of licence products and product categories. SpongeBob Squarepants and United Labels – a breeze of the Pacific Ocean at the textile – and licence specialist. |
The World Cup is approaching – and Homer Simpson plays football with Ronaldo
A new commercial of a big sporting goods manufacturer can recently be seen on TV. Since then it has become the most-posted video on Facebook. The three minute movie made by the Hollywood-director Alejandro G. Iñarritu has already been watched millions of times. Not only football enthusiasts are amazed: What a team! Various football stars are starring in the commercial for the World Cup, including Cristiano Ronaldo, Franck Ribéry, Wayne Rooney and Ronaldinho, as well as tennis player Roger Federer and basketball star Kobe Bryant.
Another “star” is performing in the same commercial, too: None other than comic legend Homer Simpson. “The Simpsons” are so famous in the US that they even decorate stamps. The advertising industry discovered the yellow family quickly as profitable protagonists, too. Right on time for the football World Cup 2010 ...
If you want the yellow TV-, big screen- and commercial stars on clothing, gift articles, plush, stationary, bathroom- and home textiles, bags and accessories at your home, United Labels is perfect for you! United Labels and “The Simpsons” – more than world-class. |
Thomas and his friends celebrate their 65th anniversary
After 65 years, the TV series “Thomas & Friends” is still exciting preschoolers all over the world and the licence has established itself as a classic. SUPER RTL supports the anniversary of “Thomas & friends” with a print ad. Until August this ad will be published in 15 high-circulated and strongly covered parental- and family magazines (BILD der Frau, Freundin, Eltern & Familie “Co.). In other respects, “Thomas & Friends” are standing in the spotlight too: Next to a year-round time slot from Mondays to Fridays at 8.40 a.m. on SUPER RTL, two extensive umbrella campaigns in spring and autumn will take place on the platforms TV, online, print, PR and retail, as well as in the event area. Both campaigns focus on the TV season premiere that is being broadcasted since mid-April for the first time in modern CGI technology. The special feature: “Thomas & Friends” will have voices for the first time.
If you want to look at “Thomas & Friends” outside of the media, you are right at United Labels where you can take the adventure-loving locomotive home. United Labels and “Thomas & Friends” – conveying values together. |
Simple delivery for PBS-dealers
Through the cooperation with PBS-Network GmbH, PBS-dealers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland now have the opportunity to order licence products from United Labels easily and comfortably. Long search times in catalogues and price lists can be omitted, because all necessary information is available with only one click on the platform, which is considered to be the most successful eCommerce-System in the office supply industry. The opportunity of electronic data interchange provides the dealer with the chance of savings in legal costs in the area of Master Data Maintenance. United Labels and PBS-Network GmbH – a versatile partnership. |
Last-minute gift without regrets – United Labels’ airportshops
By the middle of the year, United Labels is running eight airportshops at five different locations – trend is rising. New shops in Hamburg and Malaga were opened right at the beginning of 2010 and the airport in Barcelona gave its approval for two more shops. One can find the airportshop in Düsseldorf in front of the passport control, departure level B amidst the shopping arcades. The shop’s opening hours are: 7.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week.
The shop in Hamburg is in the Airport Plaza, Terminal II and is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week. The shop in Barcelona is located in the Airport Plaza Level O, building 221 and is open from 7.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Shopping (almost) around the clock – with airportshops by United Labels. |
Disney Expo 2010
The Disney Expo 2010 took place June 30th in the „Cinedom Media Park Köln“. The Disney Company introduced itself with all its business units to the German retail industry and gave a preview of the upcoming contents and campaigns. Of course United Labels was present with an own stand, in order to present characters and products. |
3-Months-Report 2010
The year 2010 started off pleasantly for United Labels AG, because United Labels registers a growth in sales across the group and an improvement of the result. The consolidated sales rose in the first quarter of 2010 to € 10, 1 Mio. Furthermore, United Labels improved the operating earnings to € 0,3 Mio. Orders on hand reached with € 17,9 Mio. a record level. You can find the entire 3-Months’-Report at www.unitedlabels.com |
General Meeting
On May 19th, the United Labels AG held its tenth general meeting in the “Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Münsterland”. Around 500 shareholders accepted the invitation from the licence- and textile-specialist, in order to vote on the proposed agenda items. In his speech, CEO Peter Boder passed 2009 in review and reported measures already introduced last year concerning marketing and growth concepts, built on four pillars: extension of textiles, expansion of airporthshops, extension of sales in Eastern Europe and the constant update of the licence portfolio with strongly requested licences. | |