NPD Group: European Toy and Nursery Sales experienced growth in 2009

NPD Group - September 2010

According to leading market research company, The NPD Group, 2009 traditional toy sales for children aged 0-23 months in the big five European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK) reached €1.3bn overall at retail. With kids’ population increasing slowly in all countries but Germany, (3.4m new babies were born in 2009 across the largest 5 European countries) the foundation for a growing market is established. Despite recession talks everywhere, the toy market managed to increase sales to kids under 2 by 1% in value, with the UK leading the way in terms of market size - nearly three times larger than Italy or Spain. "Once again, the kids market has proven its resilience to the hardest recession since the 1980's, and industry sales have grown thanks to product innovation and increased promotional activity at retail," said NPD Group industry analyst, Frédérique Tutt.

As for nursery equipment (Wheeled Goods, Car seats, Seats, Carriers, etc.) The NPD Group also reported a growth in 2009 for both France (+2%) and Britain (+5%). Wheeled Goods continued to dominate in terms of spend, representing nearly a third of the €605m overall spend in the UK last year.

“This should come as no surprise to anybody, with pushchairs prices averaging no less than €236 in France, and €209 in the UK,” said Tutt. “Market structure, however, is not necessarily consistent, and each country has its specificities. In the US, for example, NPD notes the high appeal of Baby Swings, which are still a relatively rare purchase in Europe.”

In all countries, product innovation is a key driver for category growth as illustrated by the development of Video and Digital monitors, which, with their higher retail prices, have been boosting retailer tills over the past few years.

A good example of this phenomenon was exhibited by Wheeled goods and the development of dual facing, or 2-directional, pushchairs (allow mum to face her baby), which now compose over 40% of pushchairs’ turnover in France, a growth over 80% in 2009.

To keep up with product innovation and deals, mums are increasingly looking at the Internet as a source of information. From mums’ chat rooms to retailers’ website feedback, the Internet has now become - in some countries - as important as shop visits when it comes to choosing the little one’s new pram. A new marketing tool many manufacturers are keen to better understand.

Categories covered in the UK nursery report: Wheeled Goods, Carriers, Car Seats, Travel Cots, Seats, Bathroom, Electrics and Safety. Categories covered in the French nursery report: Wheeled Goods, Carriers, Car Seats and Seats.