Cartoon Network deal unveiled for Puppy In My Pocket animated TV series

BRANDORA Editorial Staff - September 2010

Giochi Preziosi Group, MEG, and Mondo TV Group have unveiled a partnership with Turner Entertainment Networks International Ltd for the new Puppy in My Pocket Adventures in Pocketville TV series.

The Puppy in My Pocket Adventures in Pocketville TV series emerges from the globally successful Puppy in My Pocket Toy brand as a co-production by MEG (creator of the original Toy property “Puppy in my Pocket”), Giochi Preziosi (owner of the trademark “Cuccioli Cerca Amici”) and Mondo TV.
The agreement with Turner encompasses the TV series broadcast in local language on Turner’s Pay TV and on its operated free TV channels. Individual programming schedules will be set on a country by country basis. The 52x13’ first series will air in over 130 countries across EMEA in 2011. The show will be supported by a fully comprehensive licensing programme launching in 2012 driven by Turner CN Enterprises who has been appointed as the official licensing agent in Europe, Middle East & Africa (excluding Italy, Spain and Greece).

Graziano Delmaestro, Giochi Preziosi’s licensing director, commented: “We are all delighted with this latest development for Puppy in my Pocket Adventures in Pocketville. The agreement signifies exciting times ahead for both the property and its TV series. It was important that we secured good TV scheduling in all territories and the deal with Turner will help us to achieve this. Their expertise as Licensing Agents will also drive the merchandising programme forward. This new girls’ property and the story behind it translates easily into different languages and cultures. We believe that with the pedigree of the Puppy in my Pocket behind it, and the delightful and imaginative storylines and content, a hit TV series is certain, while many fantastic opportunities will be created for future license partners.”

Joe Morrison, CEO of MEG stated: “We are very pleased that Mondo TV has combined the emotional appeal of the Puppy in My Pocket Franchise with heart-warming stories and adventures. The addition of the powerful reach of the Cartoon Network platforms in EMEA will surely make Adventures in Pocketville a children’s broadcasting success.”

Mr. Orlando Corradi, CEO at MONDO TV, says: "Mondo TV is very proud to be a co producer with MEG and Giochi Preziosi on this wonderful brand and we are also delighted to be teaming up with Turner Broadcasting on a deal that will see the show distributed as a 360 franchise across Europe, Middle East and Africa.”