Brand Licensing Europe smashes expectations, achieving record visitor attendance and exhibitor numbers in 2010

Brand Licensing Europe - October 2010

Brand Licensing Europe 2010, the Advanstar-organised licensing and brand extension exhibition, is pleased to announce it has officially broken its previous attendance record. A total of 5,634 visitors visited the event in 2010, a 16% increase on 2009. Total attendance for BLE2010, including exhibitors, reached 7,329.

Brand Licensing Europe 2010 also recorded a huge jump in overseas visitor numbers, with a 37% increase on 2009, clearly indicating that the licensing industry remains healthy despite recent economic challenges. Retail attendance also increased by 15%, as European retailers sought new properties and licensing trends for their 2011/2012 collections.

The expansion of the show to a 3-day exhibition for the first time also had a significant impact, with many first time visitors attending the event on Day 3. Additionally, around 1 in 7 of the total visitor audience revisited the show on Day 3, making the most of the additional time.

Exhibitor numbers jumped from 176 in 2009 to 236 in 2010, representing 40% larger floorspace. Brand Licensing Europe is pleased to confirm that 150 exhibitors have already signed up to exhibit in 2011 and 70% of the 2011 floorspace available has already been sold.

Jessica Blue, event director, Brand Licensing Europe 2010 said: Brand Licensing Europe has really come of age in 2010 - we’ve exceeded all of our expectations, to become the most successful and well attended event in our 12 year history. Added to this, we have taken licensing into the media big leagues for the first time this year, with coverage on BBC Breakfast Business, the mediaGuardian, Radio 5 Live and Sky News. Exhibitor re-booking is always a good marker of a successful exhibition, and the exhibitor retention rate this year is simply phenomenal.”