
Moonscoop And Rob Dyrdek Sign Toy Partner For Dyrdek´s "Wild Grinders" Action Sports Brand

Moonscoop And Rob Dyrdek Sign Toy Partner For Dyrdek´s "Wild Grinders" Action Sports Brand

28.5.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
HIT Entertainment Realigns Business to maximise brand focus

HIT Entertainment Realigns Business to maximise brand focus

28.5.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
4Kids Entertainment Signs Distribution Deals For "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D´s: Road To Destiny"

4Kids Entertainment Signs Distribution Deals For "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D´s: Road To Destiny"

27.5.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
4Sight Licensing Solutions Named Licensing Agent For Contemporary Art Collection

4Sight Licensing Solutions Named Licensing Agent For Contemporary Art Collection

26.5.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Chorion Builds On Fashion Success of Mr Men And Little Miss Characters With Interntional Deals

Chorion Builds On Fashion Success of Mr Men And Little Miss Characters With Interntional Deals

26.5.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Brand Licensing Europe 2010 begrüßt neue Aussteller: Warner, CPLG und Saban Brands

Brand Licensing Europe 2010 begrüßt neue Aussteller: Warner, CPLG und Saban Brands

25.5.2010BLE - Brand Licensing Europe
VIPO seit dem 1.5.2010 wieder an Bord von Finnair

VIPO seit dem 1.5.2010 wieder an Bord von Finnair

21.5.2010Globe Edutainment
EDEBÉ present again at the Licensing International Expo de Las Vegas

EDEBÉ present again at the Licensing International Expo de Las Vegas

21.5.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Ausbau der digitalen Produktionsaktivitäten in der ZDF Enterprises-Gruppe

Ausbau der digitalen Produktionsaktivitäten in der ZDF Enterprises-Gruppe

20.5.2010ZDF Enterprises
Huch & friends: Deutschlands lustigste Ortsnamen gesucht

Huch & friends: Deutschlands lustigste Ortsnamen gesucht

Nickelodeon & Viacom: Simba Toys signed deal renewal for SpongeBob SquarePants summer / outdoor toys

Nickelodeon & Viacom: Simba Toys signed deal renewal for SpongeBob SquarePants summer / outdoor toys

19.5.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Target Entertainment Group appoints Kidz Entertainment as sub-agent for PlayStation® software Ips

Target Entertainment Group appoints Kidz Entertainment as sub-agent for PlayStation® software Ips

18.5.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff