
Braben wins pan-European brief for Brand Licensing Europe 2010

Braben wins pan-European brief for Brand Licensing Europe 2010

30.4.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Dragon Ball Z and Saint Seiya available in France on Orange and SFR’s VOD platforms

Dragon Ball Z and Saint Seiya available in France on Orange and SFR’s VOD platforms

30.4.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Upper Deck: Real Bikes. Unreal Trix.™

Upper Deck: Real Bikes. Unreal Trix.™

29.4.2010BRANDORA Redaktion
Upper Deck: Real Bikes. Unreal Trix.™

Upper Deck: Real Bikes. Unreal Trix.™

29.4.2010BRANDORA Redaktion
Advanstar verlängert die Brand Licensing Europe 2010 um einen Tag

Advanstar verlängert die Brand Licensing Europe 2010 um einen Tag

29.4.2010BLE - Brand Licensing Europe
BRB To Present Its Most Successful Brands At Upcoming Las Vegas Licensing Show

BRB To Present Its Most Successful Brands At Upcoming Las Vegas Licensing Show

29.4.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Selecta Noris Spiele

Selecta Noris Spiele

Upper Deck

Upper Deck

29.4.2010BRANDORA Redaktion
Kazachok Licensing Forum 2010 - Besucherzahlen stiegen um 30%

Kazachok Licensing Forum 2010 - Besucherzahlen stiegen um 30%

VIZ And Starbright Signed A Deal For Licensing And Merchandising Rights Of  "Inuyasha"

VIZ And Starbright Signed A Deal For Licensing And Merchandising Rights Of "Inuyasha"

28.4.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Warner Bros. Consumer Products: Mattel und Dickie bringen Batman zurück ins Kinderzimmer

Warner Bros. Consumer Products: Mattel und Dickie bringen Batman zurück ins Kinderzimmer

28.4.2010Warner Bros. Consumer Products
4Kids  Signs Dragon Ball Z Kai For U.S. Broadcast Premiere On TheCW4Kids Saturday Morning

4Kids Signs Dragon Ball Z Kai For U.S. Broadcast Premiere On TheCW4Kids Saturday Morning

27.4.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff