
Brand Licensing Europe: Die Simpsons sind erfolgreichste TV-Lizenz aller Zeiten

Brand Licensing Europe: Die Simpsons sind erfolgreichste TV-Lizenz aller Zeiten

23.9.2010BLE - Brand Licensing Europe
4sight licensing solutions: New Licensees Join The Kennel Club

4sight licensing solutions: New Licensees Join The Kennel Club

23.9.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Pegasus Spiele präsentiert Herbstneuheiten Firenze und Junta El Presidente

Pegasus Spiele präsentiert Herbstneuheiten Firenze und Junta El Presidente

23.9.2010Pegasus Spiele
Pegasus Spiele präsentiert Herbstneuheiten Firenze und Junta El Presidente

Pegasus Spiele präsentiert Herbstneuheiten Firenze und Junta El Presidente

23.9.2010Pegasus Spiele
Breakthrough Entertainment Heads To Mipcom 2010 With Three Children´s Animated Properties

Breakthrough Entertainment Heads To Mipcom 2010 With Three Children´s Animated Properties

22.9.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Simply The Best! The Licensing Awards 2010 Winners Announced

Simply The Best! The Licensing Awards 2010 Winners Announced

22.9.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
2-dream adds The Koogles and announces partnership with the Think Tank Emporium

2-dream adds The Koogles and announces partnership with the Think Tank Emporium

22.9.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Janet Woodward becomes Shareholder/Director of Jane Evans Licensing Consultancy

Janet Woodward becomes Shareholder/Director of Jane Evans Licensing Consultancy

22.9.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Teletoon Gives Breakthrough Entertainment Greenlight For Season Three Of Jimmy Two-Shoes

Teletoon Gives Breakthrough Entertainment Greenlight For Season Three Of Jimmy Two-Shoes

21.9.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Shortlist Revealed For Brand Licensing Europe 2010´s License This! The Next Big Thing

Shortlist Revealed For Brand Licensing Europe 2010´s License This! The Next Big Thing

21.9.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Art Ask Agency: Kukuxumusu arrives to the UK

Art Ask Agency: Kukuxumusu arrives to the UK

21.9.2010BRANDORA Editorial Staff
Sanrio wird fünfzig!

Sanrio wird fünfzig!

21.9.2010BRANDORA Redaktion